Diabetes is associated with debilitation complications such as amputation, Vision Loss and renal failure, and with increased risk of Cardiovascular Events, DEM ENTIA, SOME CANCERS and Infectious Diseases SUCH As Severe Covid-19 and TuberCulosis1,2,3,4,5,6.6.The Diagnostic Caria for Diabetes has been avolved over time to incorporate hemoglobin A1C (HBA1C), which is a measure of long-term glycemic ENT to Measure for Patients Than Fasting Glucose or The 2-Hral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) 7, 8,9,10. In contemporary guidelines, Any One or the Combination of Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG), OGTT and HBA1C May Be userd to diagnose10, 111,12,13, 14Kolkata Stocks. With the exception of diagnosis of geth, OGTT is Now Rarely Use in Clinical Practice Or Population Surveillance Because of the Inconvenient to the Glucose Load, 2-H Time Frame and the Two Blood draws required for the test15,16.And Epidemiology Research and Surveillance, Measure Different Glycemic Features, Namely Basal Glucose Level US 2 -3 Months (HBA1C) 17. TheReface, Individuals May Have Elevated Levels of One or Both Biomarkeers, and FPG AndHBA1C May Classify Different People As Haveing Diabetes9,10. Diabetes Also Has A Long Subclinical Period DEFINED by Hyperglycemia and Can Remain Without screening or Other Mechanisms for Early Identification18.
SOME Studies have Assessed Sensitivity and Specification of Diabetes Diagnosis American Alence Based on These Different Glycemic Biomarkers, But Most Did Not Provideo a Direct Comparison of HBA1C and FPG19,20,21. Most Population.-Based Studies on the Concordance and Discordance of Diabetes Diagnosis USING Versus HBA1C Been Conducting in A Single Country O. 5,26,27,28,29,31,32,33,34, 35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42 and the only Multi-Country Study43 Use Data Larger from High-Income Western CountriesNagpur Investment. TheRe Scant Data On How The C Oncordance and discordance of FPG and HBA1C inClassifying Diabetes Vary Across Regions in the World, and on the Factors Association with this variation. The lack of data on the regional variation in diabetes TIFIED BASED On FPG Versus HBA1C Means that We Cannotify The Full Extent of the Global Diabetes Epidemic and ITS RegionalVariation, Becaue Diabetes Prevalnce is Measud and Reported USINGLE GLYCEMIC BIMAMARKER in Most Population-Based Surveys and Analyses. MPLE, in the Latest Global Analysis44, only ~ 15% of Surveys Had Measured Both FPG and HBA1C.
We Assembled a Global DataBase of Population-Based Studies that had Measured Both FPG and HBA1C. USING These Data, we quantify the regional variation in the excitementJaipur Stock. TENT of Diabetes Diagnosis, with Diabetes Defined as in the Methods. We Also Quantify, among Those Who WeeePreviously Undiagnosed and Were Detected as Having Diabetes Through Screening in the Survey, The Concordance and Discordance of HBA1C ABOVE On Diagnostic Thresholds (7.0 mmol L−1 for FPG and 6.5% for HBA1C).detected diabetes, which is an epidemiological definition, because many clinical guidelines recommend two measurements for diabetes diagnosis10,11,12,13. We then used regression analysis to examine what individual and study-level factors were associated with whether participants with screen-detected diabetesWERE Identify by Elevated FPG, ELEVATED HBA1C or ELEVATED Levels of Both. It has been shown that having elevald levels of both biomarkers has high positice Value for Subsequent Clinical Diagnosis and RISK of Complications14,47, and hence this group is Similas to Clinical DiagnosedDiabetes.
Finally, We leveled the global courage of the dataset and itS Large Sample Size to Develop Predicts that Estimate, for Any Given FPG Level, The PROBABIL ITY that a Person Without Previously Diagnosed Diabetes Woul HBA1C ABove the Clinical Threshold for Diabetes Had It Been Measudd, And Vice Versa. We Aimed to Develop and Validate Global and Generalizable Predict Equations that Account for Both Personal Characteristics and Regference sAgra Stock. These equations server through purposes. First, the all all effect-Or-Threshold Level for One Biomarker (for Example, FPG) for Measurement of Another (for Example, HBA1C). Second, They Allow the Estimation of the Probability that a Person with a screen-detected elevated level of one biomarker would alsohave an Elevated level of the other, as a consumption of Diabetes Status14,47. Finally, The Prediction Equity Improve Diabetes Surveilland by Allowing ESTIMATION of Prevalencence of Diabetes Bath FPG and HBA1C in Health Surveys that has of the biomarkersThen, then
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