Guoabong Stock:Hitachi Energy India Limited announces Q2FY25 results: Orders grow, margin strengthens
“The growing urgency to accelerate energy transition in India and across the globe has significantly boosted investment in the energy sector,” said N Venu, MD & CEO…
Agra Stock:AMD Unveils Largest Global Design Center in India
AMD today inaugurated its largest global design center in Bengaluru, marking a milestone in the company’s commitment to expand research, development, and engineering operations in India. The state-of-the-art…
Chennai Stock:Xinhuanet: Lin Minwang: World Insights: WHY MULTINATIONAL Companies Are Quitting India
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Jaipur Investment:Zehui Biological Delivery Table Stock Exchange, CFO Dong Xin in the first half of the year, pay more than 100 million shares in the first half of the year
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Agra Wealth Management:What level is "Made in India"?Multi -party complex review of Indian GDP growth rate
The Indian government recently announced the GDP in the third quarter of 2023 (July-September), with a year-on-year growth rate of 7.6%.This data even surpassed the predictions of…
Simla Stock:Decathlon and Adidas have increased their investment. What attraction does the Indian market have to sports goods companies?
Another sporting goods company announced an overtime in the Indian market. French sporting goods retailer Decathlon said recently that in the next five years, it will invest…
Bangalore Stock Exchange:Yu Chengdong He Xiaopeng "talks with each other", and the carbriers have hotly discussed AEB; iPhone 17 may be developed in India for the first time; the 6th Expo will open
The 6th India International Import Expo opened on Mumbai on November 5.Bangalore Stock Exchange This session has attracted guests from 154 countries, regions and international organizations.More than…
Ahmedabad Wealth Management:Mumbai Studio: Bring you a new perspective about tea!
Mumbai Studio: Bring you a new perspective about teaAhmedabad Wealth Management! Mumbai Studio: Bring you a new perspective about teaHyderabad Stocks!As an institution that focuses on tea…
Simla Wealth Management:Artificial intelligence won the championship, and the Nobel Prize entered the AI era?The driverless lease appeared, Tesla evaporated nearly $ 70 billion, Uber "lying down"; foreign capital withdrawn
◎ This year’s Nobel Prize, AI became a big winner.On October 8th, local time, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to the foundation of the foundation…
Take the camera and leave a happy memory!Inventory of Mumbai’s must -have scene!
Take the camera and leave a happy memory!Inventory of Mumbai’s must -have scene! Take the camera and leave a happy memory!Inventory of Mumbai’s must -have scene!Mumbai is…